Soy Free Chicken Eggs


Soy free, free range eggs. We have Easter Eggers, Ohio Buckeyes, Plymouth Rocks, White Rocks, ISA Browns and Rhode Island Reds. Yolk color varies with the season as the forage options change.

Cash, check or Vemmo with no comments or ACH for the cash price.

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Our custom soy free feed, 12 hours of light year round, roll out nest boxes and acres for ranging make for some tasty eggs.

To keep up with the store eggs we will say this here: Free range, pastured, cage free, hormone free, etc. “Vegetarian fed” is downright humorous considering chickens main diet is bugs, worms, frogs, mice, grubs, etc.

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18 Eggs, 24 eggs, Dozen (12 eggs), Half Dozen (6 eggs)


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